CARERS HUB – Carers Interviews

Carers Hub are really keen to hear from carers not already in touch with our service, to help us understand what we could do differently to best support carers in the borough, and wondered if you may be able to help by putting us in touch with any unpaid carers aged 13+ living in Lambeth or caring for someone who does. We'll be able to offer those carers interviewed a gift voucher to compensate them for their time.

If any carers spring to mind, we'd be grateful if you could let them know about this opportunity and share the following link:


Carers Hub survey 

Are you currently caring for someone other than yourself?

Are there times when you would benefit from having some support for your caring role?
Have you ever wondered what support is out there for carers that you can access?
Or perhaps you have ideas on how to improve these services and/or any additional services you would like to see?

If so, Carers’ Hub Lambeth would love to hear from you. Please take this anonymous 25 minute survey so that we can better understand the life of a carer, your
needs and how we can optimize our services to support you best.

To take the survey, please click here or copy and paste the following link into your internet browser:

Every piece of feedback is greatly appreciated and allows us to help you better so thank you in advance.

Jenny Irish