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Library Service

Our professional library service is delivered by Lambeth Council, co-funded by Croydon Council and we’re very proud to support and protect the library service through our work at the Upper Norwood Library Hub.

It’s free of charge to join the library. Please click on this link to visit the Lambeth Library Services website where you will find a membership application form to complete. For further information or queries please visit the Lambeth Libraries and Archives website.

For Upper Norwood Library Service Enquiries call 0207 926 1063


Library of Things

Why buy when you can borrow?

We’re proud to work in partnership with the Library of Things at the Upper Norwood Library Hub and contribute to building a circular economy.

Borrow useful household items for DIY, cleaning, gardening, events, entertainment and more for a few pounds per day. Save money, cut clutter and reduce waste.

Since opening at Crystal Palace the total Things borrowed now exceeds 7,000! This equates to over £230,000 that has now been saved by residents having the opportunity to borrow rather than buy.

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