Jenny's 10km run challenge

Jenny Irish, Upper Norwood Library Trust Director will be running the Victoria Park 10km on Sunday 10th November

"I’ve started my training and this is a picture of me at Crystal Palace Sport Centre showing how red my face goes when I try and run further than 400m! All I can say is 10km seems a very long way but I am determined to get there as our community library hub is an absolute gem of an organisation and one I am incredibly proud to be part of! There are so many impactful learning, wellbeing and arts activities every day for local communities with the beating heart of the library underpinning everything we do – so if you can sponsor me to run the furthest I’ve ever run in my life for this amazing cause I’d be very grateful!

You can sponsor Jenny as part of Palace Acappella’s fundraising campaign (Please put a mention you are sponsoring Jenny in your comment so we can find out how much she’s raised as part of the overall campaign)

Jenny Irish