Lived Experience Survey

Groundswell is working with Fulfilling Lives Lambeth Southwark and Lewisham to explore the challenges people facing multiple disadvantage have in accessing support. Multiple disadvantage (in this case) includes two or more of the following experiences: homelessness, mental health issues, substance misuse issues and/or criminal justice issues. The research also focuses on the support people need when they have experienced a change in their lives (for example, moving area, out of prison etc). The research is supported by staff and volunteers who have faced these challenges themselves.

They are looking for participants who have experience some of these challenges and who live in or get support from services in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham to take part in an online survey (see link below). People can fill in themselves, it takes about 10-15 mins to do and there is £5 for taking part which we will email or send to the participants in the post. There is no deadline for this survey, and we will keep it open for people to fill in in the coming months. So, if there is anyone you know who would like to participate via the survey please send the link to them. Everything they need to know about taking part is explained in the survey.

Jenny Irish