‘Get That Novel Started’ Creative Writing Course
Description: This six week creative writing course is suitable for beginners or writers looking for a fresh injection of inspiration, and is perfect for all genres and those wishing to write short stories.
Course Outline: In a warm, fun, creatively-safe and inspiring environment, you will learn the nuts and bolts of the creative process and the necessary key ingredients – character, structure, discipline, framework, plot, theme, drama, the creation of ideas, point of view, location, editing, rewrites, delivery, and the all-important strong, dramatic and satisfying conclusion that will leave your readers wanting more.
From the get-go, you will begin to produce work, sharing it with your fellow students (if you so wish) to build your confidence, critiquing skills and the necessary thick-skin all writers must have. And over the six weeks, via in-class discussion, writing exercises, homework and detailed critique, you will develop a writer’s work ethic and discipline to make your goals happen, seeing remarkable results each day.
At the end of the course, you will have potentially produced (if you wish – there’s no pressure) the first ten-thousand words of your novel, and be fired up to continue towards your end target.
Course Tutor: Dominic Canty / Creative Writer UK
Course Price: £129
For further details, please follow the link or contact: dominic@creative-writer.co.uk
Thank you and we hope to meet you on a course soon.